You’re on the right page

Do you want to make your voice heard and expertise seen?

If you become a guest contributor for Breeeze, you’ll put your name in front of the right audience. Breeeze has solid partnerships with key brands in the SEO and marketing world.

Pro tip: Choose your topic carefully to showcase your expertise

Take Your Social Media Strategy To The Next Level - Inbound X Webflow Template
Take Your Social Media Strategy To The Next Level - Inbound X Webflow Template
We Take Your Business Reach From Thousands To Millions - Inbound X Webflow Template
We Take Your Business Reach From Thousands To Millions - Inbound X Webflow Template

Our Audience

You’ll be talking to a global audience of marketers, startup owners, and executives interested in SEO, digital marketing, and content marketing. These business professionals are NOT newbies, so they’re not interested in generic, low-quality info.

They’re interested in:
Actionable content they can implement as soon as they finish reading your article
Useful, hands-on experiences they can genuinely learn from to improve their website visibility and organic traffic
New data and statistics

The Best Topics for the Breeeze blog

The topics you choose should be highly actionable and insightful.

We need you to showcase your own experience through actionable tips and practical advice.

But you should also back everything up with useful statistics and real numbers.

Remember: Give actionable tips that can be implemented right away.

We’re looking for:
Real how-to guides with examples from your own experience
Case studies where you share your ups and downs
Lists (e.g., examples, tips, tools, tactics)
Comparisons between tools or strategies
Explainer posts with real solutions to real problems
Expert roundups
Thought leadership
We Take Your Business Reach From Thousands To Millions - Inbound X Webflow Template
We Take Your Business Reach From Thousands To Millions - Inbound X Webflow Template

Topics You Should Avoid

Breeeze does not publish guest posts unrelated to SEO, digital marketing, content marketing, or similar.

We also do not publish content that includes:
Weapons and firearms
Topics that go against Google’s guidelines
Posts we have already published
Articles that appear on other websites
Low-quality content
Plagiarized content
AI-written content
Articles with too much fluff
Articles that don’t offer relevant and insightful information and actionable tips

Remember: Don’t include pitches to any products or services in your articles.

Best Practices for Creating Content for Breeeze

Share your experience.
Back your claims with real data and numbers from your company or verified statistics.
Don’t compile content from other sources.
Become an expert voice.
Become an expert voice.

Breeeze is a digital marketing agency website.

This means that:
We only accept SEO, digital marketing, content marketing, and similar topics.
If the topics you pitch us are completely unrelated (e.g., about home maintenance), we will not consider them for our blog.

Please read through our blog to get a feel for what kind of content we publish and use that as a starting point.

We Take Your Business Reach From Thousands To Millions - Inbound X Webflow Template
We Take Your Business Reach From Thousands To Millions - Inbound X Webflow Template

Remember: We value quality over everything else.
Our aim is not to publish just anything – we only post high-quality content that our readers would enjoy. Make sure your guest blog is informative, valuable, and well-written, as well as plagiarism-free.

Pitching Your Topic

Before we accept your guest post, send us three topic ideas for articles that you would like to write for us.
Forward them to this email address: give us up to 7 days to get back to you, and we’ll choose the topic we want you to write for us.

Looking For Help With Something Else?  - Inbound X Webflow Template
Post length

Writing Guidelines

All guest posts should be at least 1,500 words long. If you want to write a longer post, ask forapproval first, explaining your reasons. If you provide valuable content and insights,we may approve your request.

Execution - Inbound X Webflow Template

AI and Plagiarism

All of your content should be original and free of plagiarism.
No AI tools for writing, either, please.
If you quote statistics or other information, use only authoritative websites.
Don’t plagiarize yourself by using excerpts from existing articles or videos you’ve published.
Growth - Inbound X Webflow Template

Article structure

Have a clear article structure: Organize your ideas in H2 headings and subtopics in H3 headings.
Make the content readable: Your paragraphs should be 3-4 lines long maximum, and break them apart occasionally by adding bullet points or lists.

Pro tip: One-line paragraphs are awesome.

Execution - Inbound X Webflow Template


Insert one image per 500 words of text.
If you take images from other websites, please list the source in the content.

Please do not use stock images.

Accountability - Inbound X Webflow Template

Linking structure

Add up to 2 external links to your website and your partners’ websites.
Please keep the anchors natural and relevant and only link to high-quality domains.
We can add a link to your homepage in the bio section of the article.
Add at least 5 internal links to other articles on the Breeeze blog.
Team Work - Inbound X Webflow Template

Writing style

Write in a natural, conversational tone, as if you’re explaining something to a close friend.
Avoid fluff words.
Don’t do keyword stuffing.
Be clear and concise.
Offer practical tips.
Use recent statistics, no older than 5 years.
Use just one space after punctuation marks. Pretty please.
Use title case for titles, headings, and subheadings. Run your titles through this tool to make sure they’re correct.
Showcase your experience and case studies using real numbers.

And above everything else, stay actionable.


Bluethings reserves the right to edit submissions before they go live on our blog. We may change parts of your content, inbound or outbound links, sources, or other elements.