May 7, 2024

SEO for B2B Telecommunications: Our Agency’s 9-Step Plan [with Free Tools and Step-by-Step Strategy]

SEO for B2B Telecommunications: Our Agency’s 9-Step Plan [with Free Tools and Step-by-Step Strategy]

B2B telecom companies address a very lucrative market.

But many miss the opportunity SEO brings – we even have one such case study in this article.

SEO for B2B telecommunications brings you a sustainable pipeline of potential customers if you know how to use it.

And that’s precisely what you’ll learn from this article.

We’ll discuss:

  • What is SEO for B2B telecom businesses
  • Why you need it
  • The ultimate 9-step plan you can implement today (or at least check if your current SEO agency does it)

Side note: We used a similar game plan to triple one of our clients’ organic traffic in just six months.

Let’s dive in!

What Is SEO for B2B Telecommunications?

SEO for B2B telecommunications involves optimizing online content to improve search engine rankings and attract relevant traffic from potential clients in the telecom industry.

Side note: Our agency has been into SEO for years, and we can tell you each niche has different search engine optimization requirements.

The telecommunication niche is no different.

In a nutshell:

  • B2B SEO is different than B2C SEO.
  • SEO for B2B telecom companies is also different.

Insider tip: Here’s what to make sure your SEO agency follows in your campaign: conversion rates and establishing your industry authority.

You need a strategy targeting specific customer segments and purchasing decisions.

Unlike B2C, B2B SEO focuses on longer sales cycles and decision-making processes of businesses.

In the telecom sector, this means:

  • Using long-tail keywords catering to the bottom of the sales funnel enhances conversion rates.
  • Employing specialized content that addresses potential link partners for effective link building and establishes strong customer relationships. High-quality, educational content signals your brand’s relevance and authority to search engines in a crowded market of telecom companies.

This two-pronged approach aims to attract potential B2B clients and retain them, fostering customer loyalty and engagement through personalized experiences.

Why Do You Need SEO to Increase ROI?

We’ve been working with B2B customers for years, and we know that referrals are very powerful regardless of the industry.

You probably get a good chunk of your B2B customers through referrals, too.

But you can do better.

Investing in SEO through a data-driven agency like Blue Things is essential for B2B telecommunications companies aiming to maximize their return on investment (ROI).

While client referrals are valuable for acquiring B2B buyers, SEO offers a sustainable and constant stream of potential clients, playing a vital role in long-term business growth.

A strategic SEO campaign tailored to the telecom sector targets relevant keywords and customer segments, ensuring that your marketing budget is efficiently utilized to attract high-quality leads.

Optimizing for search intents specific to B2B telecommunications, you can:

  • Enhance your search engine rankings.
  • Improve conversion rates.
  • Reduce customer acquisition costs over time.

As such, SEO is an essential component of effective marketing strategies for telecom businesses looking to build strong relationships and achieve next-level results in a crowded market.

Your 9-Step SEO Campaign Plan

If you want to kickstart your search engine optimization campaign and aren’t sure how to do it, copy the plan below.

We’ll show you all the tools and steps you can use.

Alternatively, compare your agency’s SEO services with this strategy to ensure they have a comprehensive approach.

1. Get an SEO Tool and Do a Comprehensive Audit

The first step is to select a robust SEO tool and conduct a comprehensive audit of their online presence.

This audit is a critical component of understanding the current state of your digital marketing strategies and identifying potential issues that could be hindering your performance in search rankings.

Insider tip: We use Ahrefs, SEMrush, Google Search Console, and Google Analytics. However, you can read a more in-depth comparison between Ahrefs vs. SEMrush vs. Ubersuggest to pick the right tool for your needs.

Now, for the SEO audit.

For example, NorthwesTel is a solid B2B telecom company in Canada.

However, they’re missing a good opportunity to generate leads from SEO.

Although their Domain rating is high enough at 51:

  • They only have 22 backlinks from 5 referring domains, so they didn’t invest in link-building. Or, they’re not building links to the right pages.
  • They targeted 131 keywords but have a total monthly traffic of only 151, which brings them $61 per month. That means they’re not targeting solid keywords.

Also, notice how the blue line representing referring domains varies in relation to the orange line representing organic traffic.

This graphic isn’t encouraging at all.

Pro tip for NorthwesTel: Schedule a free call with us, and we’ll tell you how to turn your stats around.

After you get the right SEO software, focus on the following factors:

  • Technical aspects: Examine your site speed, mobile optimization, and crawlability to ensure the mobile version of your site is accessible and user-friendly. The SEO tools above will show you if any technical errors hide your web pages or otherwise prevent your website from ranking.
  • Keyword analysis: Use keyword research tools to analyze if your current target keywords are effective. You need a deep understanding of how well your content aligns with your target customer’s search intents and relevant queries.
  • Content evaluation: Analyze your top-ranking pages and those that aren’t ranking based on insights from your SEO tool. Ensure your content addresses the specific needs of B2B buyers and contributes valuable insights into telecommunications industry trends. You can then rewrite or improve your content or delete the pages that don’t bring any value.
  • Link profile: Review your website's backlink profile to evaluate the strength of your link-building efforts and their impact on your search engine rankings.
  • Internal links: Check internal links to ensure you have a well-structured website. Connecting your pages through relevant internal links helps Google index your website better, which then translates into higher search rankings.
  • Competitor benchmarking: Analyze your competitors' SEO campaigns to understand their effective SEO strategies. You can then mimic these strategies or find missed opportunities – and yes, everything is available from your SEO tool. This step helps you make data-driven decisions to refine your approach.

2. Set Your SEO Goals and KPIs

Setting clear SEO goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is a step we never miss in our agency.

This steers our clients’ SEO campaigns toward achieving tangible business outcomes because they know where they start and where they want to go.

Basically, establishing these objectives ensures that every effort is aligned with driving growth and enhancing customer engagement in the telecom sector.

Here are some SEO goals you can establish:

  • Increase organic traffic: Aim to boost the volume of organic traffic to your website, attracting B2B clients actively searching for telecom solutions. This involves targeting relevant search terms that resonate with their needs in the telecommunications industry.
  • Improve search engine rankings: Enhance your website's visibility in search results for B2B market queries. Solid SEO strategies include ranking higher for keywords critical to telecom businesses and establishing a solid backlink profile.
  • Enhance conversion rates: Focus on optimizing your sales funnel to convert more visitors into leads and, ultimately, into B2B buyers. This involves creating personalized experiences and high-quality content for bottom-of-the-sales funnel readers. Basically, you want to encourage more purchasing decisions from your target customers.
  • Build strong customer relationships: Use effective marketing strategies to foster strong relationships with your B2B customers. Aim for customer retention and loyalty through valuable content. Later, you can consider building consistent engagement on social media platforms and other channels as part of a larger digital marketing strategy.
  • Expand market reach: Broaden your reach within the crowded telecom sector by targeting a wide variety of customer segments. Remember, you want relevant traffic that can easily turn into potential clients.

Remember: Set corresponding KPIs for these goals, such as organic traffic volume, keyword rankings, conversion rates, and customer retention metrics. This will help you make strategic decisions, ensuring a solid return on investment and long-term results.

3. Perform Keyword Research

Keyword research is a foundational element of any SEO strategy.

That goes double for B2B telecommunications companies aiming to connect with potential clients in the digital space.

Here’s the gist of it:

Identify the terms and phrases that potential B2B buyers use when searching for telecom solutions and services.

A solid keyword research strategy can significantly improve your search engine rankings, attract relevant traffic, and engage potential clients at every stage of the buying process.

We’ll help you do that step by step below.

3.1. Identify Seed Keywords

Begin with broad seed keywords that encapsulate the core offerings of your telecom business, such as “telecommunications solutions,” “B2B telecom,” and “enterprise mobile networks.” These seed keywords provide a starting point for deeper research.

Let’s use Ahrefs for “telecommunication services:”


As you can see, this is a hard keyword to rank for because you need about 71 referring domains to rank in the top 10.

Pro tips:

  • You can find more accessible keyword ideas in the “Terms match” or “Questions.”
  • Also, seed keywords are typically competitive and may be difficult to rank for, but you can find hidden gems.

Here’s one such accessible search term with good global search traffic:


3.2. Expand to Long-Tail Keywords

Use tools like Ahrefs to expand your seed keywords into more specific long-tail keywords, which are less competitive and more targeted toward specific search intents.

Examples might include “customized telecom solutions for small businesses” or “enterprise-level VoIP services.”

Pro tips:

  • Ahrefs uses artificial intelligence to suggest very specific search terms for your niche and angle.
  • In Ahrefs, employ the Matching Terms feature to discover additional keywords related to your seed keywords. This can unveil new opportunities and niches within the B2B telecom sector.

3.3. Analyze Keyword Metrics

Evaluate the keyword difficulty and search volume for each keyword.

Prioritize keywords with lower difficulty and reasonable volume to balance visibility potential with competitiveness.

Then, look at their traffic potential and cost per click (CPC).

A higher traffic potential and CPC indicate more valuable keywords.

Let’s use the Matching Terms feature for “telecommunication services” and sort by KD in ascending order. In just a few seconds, you can find 5 solid keyword ideas that can bring qualified traffic (e.g., potential customers):


But your job isn’t done here.

3.4. Review Top SERP Results

Take each keyword above and analyze the top-ranking pages for your target keywords.

You need to understand:

  • The number and quality of their referring domains: This gives insights into the level of authority and link-building efforts required to compete for these terms.
  • Their traffic: Ideally, they would have high traffic and high traffic value for each keyword.
  • Their content: The type of content they write must fit your target audience, and you must be able to reproduce it.

3.5. Consider Customer Segments and Sales Funnel

Tailor your keyword strategy to address the various customer segments within the B2B telecom industry.

Basically, you have to pick multiple keywords so your content covers topics relevant across the sales funnel, from awareness (TOFU) to decision-making (BOFU).

Insider tip: Map your selected keywords to specific pages and content on your site.

Ensure each piece of content targets relevant queries and effectively addresses the needs and questions of potential B2B clients in the telecom business.

3.6. Learn from Your Competitors

Use Ahrefs to perform a content gap analysis based on your top competitors.

We’ll do it for NorthwesTel. First, we’ll use Ahrefs to find their organic competitors:


Then, we’ll add all these domains in the Content Gap tool to reveal the keywords:


And then, restart step 3.3., analyzing keyword metrics for all the results that sound good.

4. Content Creation

For B2B telecommunications companies, content creation is a strategic endeavor aimed at:

  • Engaging potential clients
  • Showcasing your industry expertise
  • Driving conversions

That’s why you need diverse content types tailored to the telecom industry.

The types of content we recommend for B2B telecom include:

  • Educational content: Develop in-depth articles and blog posts that provide educational content on telecommunications industry trends, new technologies, and effective strategies in your niche. This type of content can build your company's reputation as a thought leader and an essential resource for B2B buyers looking to stay informed.
  • Case studies and success stories: Showcase the effectiveness of your telecom solutions through detailed case studies and success stories. Highlighting how your services have solved complex challenges for other B2B companies can be a powerful tool in building trust and demonstrating the real-world impact of your offerings.
  • White papers and e-books: Create white papers and e-books that delve into specific telecommunications topics, offering valuable insights and data-driven analyses. These comprehensive resources can be instrumental in influencing the strategic decisions of CMOs and business owners in the telecom sector.
  • FAQ Pages: Compile frequently asked questions into comprehensive FAQ pages. Addressing common inquiries improves user experience and signals to search engines that your site is a valuable resource for relevant queries in the telecom business.

High-quality content helps you effectively communicate your value proposition, engage with your audience, and drive meaningful interactions that lead to long-term business growth.

5. Local SEO

For B2B telecommunications companies, local SEO plays a crucial role in connecting with businesses within specific geographic regions.

This strategy enhances your visibility in local search results, making it easier for nearby B2B clients to find and engage with your services.

Here’s what we would recommend:

  • Google My Business optimization: Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing to ensure your telecom business appears prominently in local searches and on Google Maps. This includes accurate business details, categories relevant to the telecom sector, and engaging photos of your services and team.
  • Localized content creation: Develop content that addresses businesses' specific needs and interests in your service areas. This can include blog posts on how your telecom solutions address local market challenges or case studies featuring local businesses you've worked with.
  • Local keywords: Incorporate local search terms into your website's content, titles, and meta descriptions. For example, targeting “telecom solutions in [City]” or “[Region] telecommunications services” can help attract B2B buyers searching for telecom services in their locality.
  • Local link building: Establish connections with other local businesses, chambers of commerce, and industry associations to earn local backlinks. These links signal to search engines the relevance and authority of your telecom business within the local community.

6. On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization enhances your website's visibility in search engine results because it helps website crawlers index your website better.

This process involves fine-tuning various elements on your website to ensure it effectively communicates value to search engines and potential B2B clients.

Our agency’s key on-page optimization strategies include:

  • Title tags and meta descriptions: Craft compelling title tags and meta descriptions for each page, incorporating target keywords like “B2B telecommunications solutions” or “enterprise telecom services.” These elements should clearly convey the page's content and entice potential clients to click through from search results.
  • Header tags: Use header tags (H1, H2, etc.) to structure your content logically, making it easier for users to navigate and for search engines to understand the information hierarchy. Include relevant keywords in headers to highlight the main topics of your pages.
  • Internal linking: Implement strategic internal links to guide visitors to other relevant content on your website and improve user experience. But there’s another point to internal linking. A solid link structure helps search engines discover new pages and understand the relationships between different pieces of content.
  • Content for search engines: While creating user-focused content, ensure it's also optimized for search engines by using clear, descriptive language and organizing information so that search engines can easily interpret it. This includes using structured data where appropriate to provide additional context to search engines.
  • Alt text for images: Describe images on your site with relevant alt text that includes target keywords. This improves accessibility for users with screen readers and helps search engines understand the content of your images, contributing to your overall SEO efforts.

7. Technical SEO

Technical SEO plays a vital role in ensuring your website is fully accessible and understandable to search engines, facilitating better indexing and higher search rankings.

This aspect of SEO focuses on your website’s backend elements and infrastructure.

A solid SEO agency should consider the following aspects of technical SEO:

  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certification: Implement SSL certification to secure your website with HTTPS. This security measure not only protects user data but also serves as a signal to search engines and potential B2B clients that your telecom website is trustworthy.
  • Crawlability and indexation: Use a robots.txt file to guide search engine crawlers on which pages to crawl and which to ignore. Ensure your website's XML sitemap is up-to-date and submitted to search engines, aiding in the efficient discovery and indexing of your content.
  • Structured data markup: Implement schema markup to provide search engines with explicit information about the content of your pages, such as services offered by your telecommunications company or industry articles. This can enhance your visibility in search results with rich snippets.
  • Error page management: Regularly monitor your website for 404 errors and implement 301 redirects for any outdated pages. Properly managing these issues helps maintain a seamless user experience and preserves link equity.
  • Duplicate content: Address duplicate content issues by applying canonical tags to specify the preferred version of similar or identical content. This helps prevent the dilution of search rankings and ensures clarity for search engines.
  • Hreflang tags: If your B2B telecom business operates in multiple regions or languages, use hreflang tags to indicate content variations based on language or geographic location. This helps search engines serve users the most appropriate version of your content based on their preferences.
  • Website speed: A fast page load speed ensures more potential clients stay on your website, prolonging their visit duration and visit depth. Conversely, slow-loading pages increase bounce rates, thus signaling to Google that your website isn’t relevant to users.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Mobile use is widespread, so you must ensure mobile-friendly navigation for your potential B2B customers using their mobile devices to interact with your website.

8. Link Building

Link building is a pivotal component of SEO for B2B telecommunications companies, aimed at enhancing your website's authority and relevance through strategic external links.

Effective link-building strategies can significantly impact search engine rankings and your website's visibility to potential B2B clients.

Basically, each mention from an authoritative website in your niche signals your expertise and relevance to Google.

So, the more such mentions you get from unique domains, the more your ranking will increase.

Our agency’s strategies for effective link-building include:

  • Linkable content assets: Create and distribute engaging, high-quality content that addresses industry trends and offers educational insights into the telecommunications sector. Content that provides value is more likely to be shared and linked to by reputable industry sites.

For example, NortwesTel is losing a major opportunity with only four organic pages for their business section:


Insider tip: Notice the last page is about business collaboration tools.

This is technically a goldmine of linkable content assets. And they’re not using it.

  • Guest blogging: Contribute guest articles to authoritative websites and blogs within the B2B market and telecommunications industry. These guest posts can include backlinks to your blog content or product pages. Therefore, you can drive relevant traffic and signal your credibility to search engines.
  • Industry partnerships: Forge partnerships with other companies and organizations within the telecom sector for collaborative projects or content exchanges. These partnerships can result in valuable backlinks and enhanced visibility within your target customer segments.
  • Collaborative content: Participate in collaborative pieces, podcasts, and interviews to increase quality backlink opportunities.
  • Local directories and citations: Ensure your telecommunications company is listed in relevant local business directories and industry-specific listings, with consistent NAP information and links back to your site. This supports local SEO efforts and contributes to your overall link-building strategy.

9. Monitor and Scale Your Campaign

Monitoring your SEO campaign’s progress is crucial for understanding its impact and identifying areas for optimization. Scaling your campaign effectively involves:

  • Reinforcing successful strategies
  • Exploring additional channels like PPC and broader digital marketing channels

9.1. Monitoring Your SEO Campaign

  • Set Clear KPIs: Establish key performance indicators such as organic traffic, search engine rankings for target keywords, conversion rates, and backlink quality.
  • Use analytics tools: Leverage tools like Google Analytics to track your website's user behavior, traffic sources, and engagement levels.
  • Regular SEO audits: Conduct periodic SEO audits to identify technical issues, content gaps, and opportunities for optimization. This proactive approach ensures your website remains competitive and compliant with the latest search engine algorithms.

9.2. Scaling Your SEO Campaign

  • Double down on what works: Analyze the components of your SEO strategy that deliver the best ROI, such as specific types of content, keyword clusters, or link-building tactics. Invest more resources in these areas to amplify your successes and further boost your search rankings in the crowded telecom market.
  • Expand to PPC and digital marketing: Complement your organic SEO efforts with Pay-Per-Click advertising to target highly specific B2B buyer segments and search intents. PPC can provide immediate visibility for competitive keywords and support lead-generation efforts. Additionally, integrating broader digital marketing strategies, such as email marketing and social media campaigns, can enhance your online presence and drive engagement with potential B2B clients.

Kickstart Your Telecommunications SEO Campaign

If you read so far, you now have all the tools, tactics, and steps you need to kickstart your SEO campaign.

Remember to ensure your SEO strategies align with your business objectives.

Alternatively, Blue Things can help you get started.

Learning how to use tools like Ahrefs or Google Analytics takes time.

Discerning the right strategies for your niche is also time-consuming.

Conversely, our team of expert SEOs do all that for a living, and they’re extremely data-driven.

So, set up a free strategy call with our team to learn how we can elevate your online presence and search traffic.

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